Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Task Card Passports Are Here!

I absolutely love using task cards in my classroom! In order to incorporate task cards in a different light, I have created a Task Card Passport. Rather than just setting out different sets of task cards, I have intrigued my students with their own personal grammar passport! These passports will allow my students to review multiple grammar skills before our second round of standardized testing arrives. 

Here's how it works! Each student is responsible for completing each set of task cards on their passport. They will complete each set at a time, check their answers (as pictured above), bring their answer sheet and passport to me, and I will give them a stamp for each completed section. Once their passport is filled, they have completed their grammar review! To see how I have my students check their task cards, visit The Primary Gal's blog post here!

I made this passport completely editable to provide differentiation for your class. You can select specific activities that you want specific students to work on. You can have students complete three in a row if you do not want them to or have time to complete the entire page.  With this being editable, I have also included all of the fonts that are needed for your passport to look identical to the pictured passport above.

You can find all of the activities on my Grammar Passport here! If you love my grammar products, such as this one, checkout my Growing Grammar Bundle that includes PowerPoints, Sorts, Task Cards, Handouts, and Quizzes for each skill in this set.

Thanks for reading and be sure to subscribe to my blog for more activities like this one! :)

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