Thursday, August 13, 2015

Currently {August}

We are almost finished with the second week of school! Perfect time for linking up with Farley. :)

{LISTENING}---Just like last month, I have been on a kick for country music. You can always find my phone playing a Pandora country station after school. It always puts me in the mood to get planning done!

{LOVING}--- I started a back to school diet, two weeks and still going strong! In order to get more protein throughout the day, I have been snacking on peanut butter before my workouts. 

{THINKING}---Today I was thinking I REALLY need a nap. Sure enough, I took one today. Boy do I feel better! That doesn't happen too often. 

{WANTING}--- I am always wanting more books for my classroom library. I don't think I will ever stop wanting that. 

{NEEDING}--- Even though I mentioned the previous nap I was thinking about, I need to start going to be at a decent time! Ever since summer break, I have had a hard time breaking that habit.

{B2S RAK}--- This one is just for me to know! 

Thanks for reading. :)


  1. I'm in need of a nap too! I'm sneaking off to the mountains for one more summer trip and hope I can fit in a nap sometime before it! Best of luck with your back-to-school diet. I need to do the same thing!

    Cupcakes and Lesson Plans

    1. Have a good trip! Starting school definitely helps! :)

  2. Naps and books. Naps and books. We're on the same page lady! I think that the need for rest and classroom resources is universal for teachers. I hope you have great year!
