Wednesday, July 15, 2015

First Blog Post EVER!

A teacher can {never} have too many carts! After several long minutes and cheddar flavored Chex Mix, I finally assembled this amazing Ikea cart. By the way, I'm in love with the color already! :)

Two more products, that I absolutely love, in my room are my Seville rolling carts. 

All you need to do is add labels to make your life ten times easier! Without these carts I would be SO disorganized. They help keep my classroom clutter free. Now I just need to rearrange my student desks and put up my bulletin boards. As soon as my entire room is done, I'll be happy to share the finished product with all of you! :)


  1. Love that teal cart!!! I have the ones in the bottom picture. I don't know what I'd do without them! Welcome to the blogging world! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

    1. Thanks! You'll have to get's worth it! I'm excited to start my blogging journey. :)

  2. I love your blog layout, very nice and colorful! I just started blogging as well, but am still working on the design of the blog.

    1. My blog would not look this amazing if it wasn't for Gabby's Classroom. I tried for months to work on mine, but was never happy with it. I'm glad I had someone else do it. Its was definitely less stressful! :)

  3. Your blog is adorable! I don't even know where to begin in designing one! I'd love any guidance/advice. Is Gabby's Classroom another blog?

  4. Thank you! :) I didn't either until another teacher at school had one made by Gabby's Classroom. I would definitely recommend her! Make sure you look into it soon, I know she always has a wait list. Check out her portfolio here...
